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  • Reviews

    Mountaintop Motel Massacre (1986)

    The old folks have taken over the asylum. High-fives to the old folks. Mental hospitals are The Best, especially when it comes to slasher films. Grandmas are The Best, especially when…

  • Reviews

    Mummy And The Curse Of The Jackal, The (1969)

    Gentlemen, I’m glad you’ve brought your cumberbuns. Ladies, those “special occasion” broaches look awfully nice. The needle has just hit vinyl on Shoji Yokouchi’s Romantic Latin Guitar LP. Now that we’re…

  • Reviews

    Murder In A Blue World (1973)

    In 1992, I watched Nirvana smash their instruments on Saturday Night Live. My dad was in the room. When the commercial hit, he looked at me, laughed, and said, “Just like…

  • Reviews

    Murder In Law (1989)

    Our story begins in an insane asylum where a woman with dark, stringy hair rocks back and forth in a dingy room. The walls are covered in crude scrawlings; there are…

  • Reviews

    My Brother has Bad Dreams (1972)

    Shit, Karl. If your dreams are this unhealthy, I’d hate to see your sister’s. My Brother has Bad Dreams might be the most downbeat film I’ve ever seen. So why am…

  • Reviews

    My Friends Need Killing (1976)

    This friend needs hugging. My Friends Need Killing is dead serious. And very determined. Attempting to communicate the grim consequences that war reaps on people, the film’s tenor is callous and…

  • Reviews

    Narco Satanico (1984)

    Diff’rent Strokes was a 1980s sitcom about a white guy named Phillip Drummond who adopts two black kids named Willis and Arnold Jackson. Most people are familiar with the show’s famous…

  • Reviews

    Necromancer (1988)

    “And for revenge, thou hast created this demon. Her domain is darkness, her purpose wickedness.” –Dead Sea Scrolls This is the only interesting part in the Dead Sea Scrolls; the rest…

  • Reviews

    Never Too Young to Die (1986)

    Full disclosure: John Stamos used to live near my high school. This was during the tail end of Full House, when the show was a carton of chunky milk the network…

  • Reviews

    Night Killer (1990)

    This is an updated version of a review that was originally published in Bleeding Skull! A 1990s Trash-Horror Odyssey. In third grade, we had to write a story and share it…

  • Reviews

    Night Of Horror (1978)

    Four folks drive to a cabin deep in the mountains of Virginia for various family and recreational reasons. Their camper breaks down. While waiting in the dark, they encounter the ghosts…

  • Reviews

    Night Of The Cat (1973)

    The highlight of this film is not the scene where a sweaty fat man falls down a flight of stairs. Incredible, but true. “What do you think this is, some kind…

  • Reviews

    Night of the Living Babes, The (1987)

    The Night of the Living Babes is directed by Gregory Dark, which is not his real name. His birth name is Gregory Hippolyte Brown. If your parents name you Gregory Hippolyte…

  • Reviews

    Night of the Skull (1976)

    Sometimes, all you really need is a rubber skull mask and a dark, rainy night. Imagine Jess Franco directing a script by Andy Milligan. There would be period costumes, whipping, and…

  • Reviews

    Night of the Witches (1970)

    A few days ago I woke up with a hankering for a Bloody Mary. This is not something I usually drink, but for whatever reason, it sounded absolutely perfect. Salty, spicy,…

  • Reviews

    Night Of The Zombies (1981)

    It’s easy to pass judgment on people. But “easy” doesn’t always equal “better.” Sometimes, we can learn a lot through empathy. It might take more work on our end, but that…

  • Reviews

    Night of Vampyrmania (1993)

    This is an updated version of a review that was originally published in Bleeding Skull! A 1990s Trash-Horror Odyssey. Horror filmmakers educate audiences by exploring humanity’s dark side. From Stephanie Rothman…

  • Reviews

    Night Ripper! (1986)

    Originally published in Bleeding Skull! A 1980s Trash-Horror Odyssey. Night Ripper! is an unbelievable slasher-soap-opera that stars the “Soup Nazi” from SEINFELD. This is also known as the culmination of a…