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  • Reviews

    .357 Magnum (1977)

    As human beings, we tend to find comfort in shared experiences. No one grasps this spark of wisdom more than Nick Millard — that’s why he removed most of the mouths…

  • Reviews

    1974: The Possession of Altair (2016)

    1974: The Possession of Altair proves once again that every horror movie would be better if it was shot on Super 8 film. Somewhere in Mexico, Altair and Manuel celebrate their…

  • Reviews

    555 (1988)

    Originally published in Bleeding Skull! A 1980s Trash-Horror Odyssey. “Caution: Viewing may cause severe damage to your brain cells.” Shot on one-inch video tape in Chicago’s Ukrainian Village, 555 hit the…

  • Reviews

    A Nightmare on Drug Street (1989)

    In fourth grade, a police officer came to our class to teach us about drugs. They’re illegal! They’re dangerous! They’re addictive! They will absolutely, without a doubt kill you! Just one…

  • Reviews

    Aatank (1996)

    Just when you thought it was safe to go in the water, here comes Aatank, the Bollywood version of Jaws.  In the first five minutes, an illegitimate child and his friend…

  • Reviews

    Abduction (1975)

    This movie is about, but not really about, Patty Hearst’s kidnapping. First, a quick refresher: In 1972, an erotic novel called Black Abductor was published. It was about a young heiress…

  • Reviews

    Abomination, The (1986)

    Originally published in Bleeding Skull! A 1980s Trash-Horror Odyssey. A woman has puked. Her son has puked. His boss, his girlfriend, her kitchen cabinets, and a washing machine have puked. I…

  • Reviews

    Abracadabra (1986)

    There’s a certain look of a feel-good, fun-for-the-whole-family horror-ish film from the Eighties. It’s got poofy hair, oversized geometric-print tops, and pink windbreakers. Somewhere, a girl is wearing big earrings and…

  • Reviews

    Acne (2000)

    Chicago experienced a golden age of repertory film screenings in the early 2000s. And since I had just moved to the city proper, I took full advantage of the situation. From…

  • Reviews

    Al Filo Del Terror (1990)

    Originally published in Bleeding Skull! A 1980s Trash-Horror Odyssey. Suffer, little children. The El Griego Show is on the air. There are two sides to every human. Sometimes, there are two…

  • Reviews

    Alabama’s Ghost (1973)

    In the film Roseland, director Fredric Hobbs stated, “You cannot fart around with love.” He was right. That’s why I love him. Don’t get me wrong. I’d never, ever recommend a…

  • Reviews

    Alien Beasts (1991)

    This is an updated version of a review that was originally published in Bleeding Skull! A 1990s Trash-Horror Odyssey. Human beings need empathy. It’s what keeps us healthy and our minds…

  • Reviews

    Alien Predators (1985)

    “In 1973, NASA launches Skylab Space Station into orbit. The objective: To perform a series of highly classified experiments that could not take place on Earth. In 1979, Skylab re-enters Earth’s…

  • Reviews

    Alison’s Birthday (1979)

    “I’ll be glad when Wednesday is over.” I’m with you, Alison! Don’t take that the wrong way. In keeping with the tendencies of 1970s/80s Australian horror (Frenchman’s Farm and Deadly Possession,…

  • Reviews

    All About Mighty Lady (1984)

    All About Mighty Lady isn’t the Dolly Parton biopic that we’ve all been waiting for. But it’s something just as delightful. After a miniature Death Star flies over Earth, the superhero…

  • Reviews

    Amazon Warrior (1998)

    The time is: the future. The environment is: fucked. Animals are: mutants. Humans are: hunted to near extinction. The ones left: fight, kill, and maraud. But there’s one who rises up…

  • Reviews

    Ananse: Parts 1 + 2 (2010)

    Into the Spider-Verse! Somewhere in Ghana, a psychic named Ladyspider and a little person named Oracle guard an ancient bowl. This isn’t a bowl that you can smoke or use to…

  • Reviews

    Angel Of Fury (1992)

    The world could use seven-hundred more Cynthia Rothrocks. Since that’s not possible, it’s our duty to canonize everything about the one that we do have. Cynthia Rothrock is the planet’s foremost…