• Reviews

    Maleficia (1998)

    Some of the most outrageous and memorable horror comic books that I’ve ever read were published by Skywald Publications in the 1970s. “Frankenstein: Book II” was an ongoing story in Skywald’s…

  • Reviews

    Possessed II (1984)

    Some zombie ghosts are having a party in a decrepit flat. They’re listening to music and eating soup while a zombie ghost child beats a lady tied to a bedpost. This…

  • Reviews

    The Last Prom (1980)

    A newscaster delivers an opening line that says it all: “Was it a pretty face that made this gaping, jagged hole in the windshield?” Sandy is bummed. After breaking up with…

  • Reviews

    Half Past Midnight (1988)

    In Wim Vink’s Heaven is Only in Hell, you literally watch people eat cheese and drink wine at a very civilized dinner party. In Wim Vink’s Half Past Midnight, you literally…

  • Reviews

    Ananse: Parts 1 + 2 (2010)

    Into the Spider-Verse! Somewhere in Ghana, a psychic named Ladyspider and a little person named Oracle guard an ancient bowl. This isn’t a bowl that you can smoke or use to…

  • Reviews

    They Don’t Cut the Grass Anymore (1985)

    At its heart, They Don’t Cut the Grass Anymore is a film about class. We’ve got the richie riches with their grand suburban homes, perfectly manicured lawns, and cocaine. And then…

  • Reviews

    Devil Curse Country (1988)

    If there’s one thing movies have taught us about love, it is this: You can’t make someone love you, no matter how many potions you give or how many spells you…

  • Features

    Shorts That Tore Our Heads Off: Volume 2

    Short films are like Hi-Chews — bite-size flavor explosions that should be savored before moving onto the next one, and the one after that. Given the bottomless well of compelling shorts…

  • Reviews

    Debbie Does Damnation (1999)

    A very naked woman is hogtied while disemboweled, gory bodies hang around her. A demon with giant white eyes and a 90s skater haircut ambles through a door with a sign…

  • Reviews

    Elliot (2017)

    In his book Mr. Know-It-All, John Waters claims that in order to be successful in life, “You need two people to think your work is good, yourself and somebody else (not…

  • Reviews

    Devil Fetus (1983)

    Not everyone wants babies. They’re a lot of work. They need to be fed and bathed and clothed and, like, a whole bunch of other stuff. I’ve heard you need to…

  • Reviews

    Horror (2003)

    If I had to choose one word to describe Horror — besides “horror” — that word would be “mushrooms.” Now that your expectations are set, there’s something you need to know:…

  • Reviews

    Miedo a la muerte (1989)

    It’s a dark and stormy night. It’s a night just like tonight—that is, if it’s dark and stormy where you are. Two lovers hunker down in a dark, abandoned house. It’s…

  • Reviews

    Dangerous Seductress (1992)

    When I was a kid, I wanted to be a veterinarian when I grew up. I wanted to treat mostly reptiles and the occasional horse because I found animals to be…

  • Reviews

    The Boy From Hell (2004)

    Years ago, I figured out that I didn’t want children. There wasn’t a journey of self-exploration that led to this decision. I just woke up one day and knew that there…