• Reviews

    The Green Fog (2017)

    Some of the strongest human emotions are revealed where we least expect them—not in the expression, but the spaces between. It’s the exhale of breath you hear after someone tells you…

  • Reviews

    Final Flesh (2009)

    Austrian artist Erwin Wurm has spent much of his career creating “one-minute sculptures,” in which people hold awkward positions with random objects. Many involve people sticking their head through pieces of…

  • Reviews

    Gakidama (1985)

    In Japanese folklore, hitodama are the souls of dead people. They look like bright balls of fire that float around at night. Sometimes they make a thunderous sound. Other times they…

  • Reviews

    Dominator (2003)

    It’s nice to know that cocaine was alive and well in 2003. In the depths of hell, Dominator (a guitar-shredding warrior who wears a metal mask), steals a magic key from…

  • Reviews

    Face of Evil (1996)

    There’s a career trajectory for teen stars that feels familiar at this point: A popular family sitcom finally ends long past its expiration date, and its young stars clamor for the…

  • Reviews

    Screambook (1984)

    In the opening minutes of Screambook, a lady named Eleanor hangs out with siblings at a family reunion. She says, “David, how’s your law business going?” The camera cuts to a…

  • Reviews

    The Peacock King (1988)

    It’s a story we’ve seen over and over and over again: A Hell Witch appears at a “devil hole” along with the Hell Virgin, who is the innocent daughter of the…

  • Features

    Bleeding Skull 50: The Best Shot-On-Video Films

    Every film is a travelogue. From Douglas Sirk’s Technicolor melodramas to Doris Wishman’s paperback gutter-noirs, all movies are mini-vacations that enable us to escape the real world and revitalize our souls.…

  • Features

    Exquisites 2021: Films of the Year

    One day we’ll all look back at 2021 with fondness. Instead of remembering the pandemic’s unnecessary sequel, we’ll remember how we spent most of the year still “stuck” inside researching and…

  • Reviews

    Demon Monkey (1988)

    Let’s talk about monkeys. They have opposable thumbs! They use tools! They cuddle! They laugh! They stress eat! Monkeys are just like us! Like, literally. We share 97% of our DNA.…

  • Reviews

    A Nightmare on Drug Street (1989)

    In fourth grade, a police officer came to our class to teach us about drugs. They’re illegal! They’re dangerous! They’re addictive! They will absolutely, without a doubt kill you! Just one…

  • Features

    Shorts That Tore Our Heads Off: Volume 4

    Short films are like Hi-Chews — bite-size flavor explosions that should be savored before moving onto the next one, and the one after that. Given the bottomless well of compelling shorts…

  • Home Video Catalog


    AGFA + Bleeding Skull was a collaboration with our friends at the American Genre Film Archive (AGFA) from 2018-22. Purchase the Boardinghouse Special Edition Blu-ray here. Nothing can prepare you for…

  • Reviews

    Beware! The Vanishing Family (2021)

    In the song “Back3School” by Porches, the start of a new school year is used as a metaphor for rebirth as an adult. It’s a simple, heartfelt sentiment wrapped in 127…

  • Reviews

    NightScream (1997)

    The year is 1997. It’s been six years since Twin Peaks has gone off the air, but its influence is still present. There’s a string of shows and very special episodes with a…

  • Reviews

    Corruption of the Damned (1966)

    The Odyssey is about a man who’s just trying to get back home to his wife. Along the way there are giant cannibals, one-eyed monsters, and sexy ladies who sing to…

  • Reviews

    Twilight Syndrome: Deadly Theme Park (2008)

    Halfway through Twilight Syndrome: Deadly Theme Park, I shuddered. The movie reminded me of a recurring nightmare I have when I get overwhelmed. In the dream, I’ve parked my car in…

  • Reviews

    Janie (1970)

    Unfortunately for me, the name Janie will forever be linked to that Aerosmith song—you know the one. It’s a full diaper of a song by a band who’s major contribution to…